How to defeat the depression

In this busy life, we always want to spend our time to get money. But in this process, we forget that we are getting money but not peace of mind. At the end of the day, we struggle for peace of mind which is rear nowadays. It leads to depression. Lately, we have heard about many cases where most of the people take away their lives because of depression.

Depression is not a disease, but the state of mind when we overthink something which we give more significance in life. It may be success, love, career anything. We always blame the person who is suffering from depression, or someone who took away their lives because of the depression. Have you ever thought about what that person has gone through with time? Is there any role of family and society to minimize the causes of depression?

Role of Parents and family:

The parent plays a pivotal role. The elders should teach their young budding boys and girls to 'treat life as a song', with their rich varied experience. How to be a cool dad and cool mom to handle young children?
Respect them irrespective of their age, failures, and stupidity. Not only their academic needs but their emotional and spiritual needs are best to be taken care of. Tell them there is no short cut to success, and failures are the part of the life from which you will learn the life lessons. Try not to give everything to your kids whatever they demand. Let them understand its not an easy thing to get whatever they want in life. Make them strong and gift them that inner voice rather than expensive gifts. Because this is the inner voice save their life in the last minute when the thought of taking any drastic step.

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Tell them to enjoy and relish what life has to offer in any circumstances. Your words should be soothing and encouraging. Have a sense of humor and crack jokes with your children instead of teaching them always too much serious phenomenon of life. Gift them motivational books and autobiography of great leaders and successful personalities like A P J Kalam.

Explore new things especially extracurricular activities with your children. If you are well organized in the family framework your children learn to follow you accordingly. The role of the family is very important. Teach each child to be strong. Yet in failure as in success. Never expect children to secure always a good percentage.

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Sachin Tendulkar was not good at academics. He did not always make a century in every inning. Do you think he was not a good cricketer? Einstein was mediocre. He failed in mathematics. He made out and became a scientist of the century. Give this kind of example to your children to motivate them.

How can you help yourself to overcome depression

Keep in Touch with your Friends:

Intimate friends are your chosen family. Surround yourself with some well-meaning friends. Pet talks and sympathy bulwark keep upright. Crisis, stress, and tension can well be managed intelligently and wisely if you keep in touch with your friends.
Smiling young friends playing guitar and singing outdoors Stock ...

Self Motivation

This is very important to motivate yourself. This can be done if you compare yourself with someone, for whom your life is a dream for him. Embrace yourself and spend some time on your hobbies. We can stop the feeling of helplessness and loneliness. After all, life is an unending journey on flowers and thorny paths. Certainly not a bed of roses. Life is so precious to waste on such a few issues like a failure. If your mobile is discharged suddenly while talking to your friend, you recharge it immediately. Why not in such situations in life too? Why not fight back rather than giving up?

To keep yourself motivated, you can paste some motivational wallpapers on your walls. Spend some time for yoga and meditation which give peace of mind. If you feel low you can go for window shopping or a park. Connect with nature, give some time for plantation and gardening. Don't sit idle and don't let the worst thoughts come into your mind.

Make a balance between needs and wants

We are on the path of pursuing a career in digital heights and creating our goals. But more important is the science of balance in life. A need is something needed to survive while a want is something that people desire to have, that they may, or may not, be able to obtain. 

Free photo: Wants Needs Signpost Shows Materialism Want Need - 3d ...

Always save money for the future.Lack of money also leads to depression. If you go on spending money on your wants, one day you will become needy. For instance, if we are doing work one after another but if we know the work which we are going to do after the first task we save some energy. In life also always think that the upcoming days are more important we have to save money. Always hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Be yourself and love yourself.

Give yourself another chance, another day.

You will find your courage eventually.

Don't give up on yourself.

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